Where to Start
Taking on any kind of work on your property can be a confusing venture, including knowing where to start, or how to find the right people to help you. Involving a chartered surveyor as early as possible in the process will help clear a lot of that mist of uncertainty and leave a clear path to follow. A surveyor can ensure the works are appropriate to achieve, are completed to a high standard, and that the right notices, planning permission and building control approvals are put in place. They will also make sure that the works are completed in a controlled and monitored way, and keep an eye on your quality and costs. In short, a chartered surveyor should be your first port of call.
Initial Visit, Scope and Regulations
Working with a surveyor from the beginning means you can discuss your requirements and plans from the get-go. Whether it’s to identify a defect that requires repair or start new building works, they will be able to advise on the right processes and point you in the direction of the right people.
When it comes to fixing issues and defects in existing properties, it’s all too common for people to start (or even finish) unnecessary works because they haven’t sought professional advice. This leads to more money spent, a lot of work that didn’t need doing, and the work probably not even fixing the root cause of the problem. And with new buildings or extensions, bringing in a surveyor too late in the process often results in them identifying missed issues, which then need to be gone back over and repaired. Again, this means delayed works and extra costs all around.
But, if a surveyor is appointed right at the beginning of the process, then this can ensure the works will only consist of those that are truly required, as well as define them in the scope of works or specification – both of which are critical documents that form the core of pricing, valuing and control of the works.
Finally, they will help you to identify the required permissions you need to start any works so that they are compliant. This could be planning, building control or party wall notices, all of which need to be done correctly, on time and to the right people. If these are done incorrectly, then you risk having enforcement action or injunctions served against you, delaying the works and potentially dramatically increasing the costs.
Tendering and Contractor Selection
Once you’ve identified the required works, they need to be put into a special type of list called the Specification or the Scope of Works. This document confirms what should happen and where, and it’s often accompanied by a set of drawings, depending on how complex the works are. A good specification should also account for the necessary things that an outside contractor would need to consider and allow for. Things like acceptable working conditions, arrangements for safe access and Health and Safety considerations, important to the client under the CDM regulations.
The specifications, drawings and any other required documents are then drawn together into a Tender Pack. This should then be provided to a number of suitable contractors as the basis for providing a quote. If you don’t know where to start with contractors, your surveyor will be able to give you some guidance and provide contacts from their list of trusted contractors.
You should allow for a reasonable period of time for the contractors to price up the works. IT can be frustrating waiting for prices to be returned but the longer given to pricing the work the more reliable the costs and less likely a contractor will over price any risk if they have been asked to complete any (specialist) design work themselves.
When you receive it back, you should pass on the priced specification to your surveyor so that they can check it, identify any errors and formally assess it, reporting back to you with their recommendation on who to choose based on value for money or who meets specific criteria. This will help you make your decision. Once you have, the contractor will be informed and asked to start their preparations to commence on-site, and the contract/agreement can be completed.
Contract Administration and Payments
Depending on the type and size of the works, your surveyor should also be able to assist you in ensuring a suitable form of contract is used. This is what allows for a good level of control over the works, including certification of payments, control of any additional works. Now all parties can be confident that only the works that are completed and correct are paid for, normally by assessing the completed works on-site and checking to make sure they’ve been done correctly, and by comparing this against the priced specification so that you can be confident you’re only paying for works that the contractor has finished.
On some occasions, usually for custom or bespoke items like timber windows, a deposit will need to be accounted for and paid upfront. Your chartered surveyor will ensure that you fully understand this, so that everything is as clear as possible.
Inspection, Quality Control and Sign Offs
As the works progresses, it will become apparent if any extra works need to be done. For example, when opening up or removing parts of the original building. When discovered, these can be priced up and dealt with in an orderly manner, so that the costs can be controlled and the contract period can be kept to or adjusted accordingly. During the progress of the works, your surveyor will also be on hand to regularly inspect the works, making sure that they are correct and completed to a good standard. Once the works are finished, then the final project can be signed off before the final balance is paid.
At Harrison Clarke, we love it when we’re involved in a project from the start. It gives us such joy to help plan a project and watch it come to life before our eyes. It’s best for everyone involved if a surveyor is there from the beginning, and if you’re planning any works, we would be happy to help. Just call our team on 02381 55 00 51 for more information.
If you’re looking to invest in a high-quality survey on your new home, then you can call our expert team on 023 8155 0051, and we will be happy to help. We can give you clear advice on the condition of the home you’re looking to buy, and highlight any hidden costs so that you go into it with your eyes open.
For more expert advice on surveying and property matters, check out our range of informative videos on our website or YouTube channel. Harrison Clarke Chartered Surveyors is here to guide you every step of the way!
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