What Is An Expert Witness?

Disputes happen. In our industry, it’s usually about the quality of construction works, payments due under building contracts, dilapidations or claims of professional negligence. If legal action is taken to resolve the dispute, then you can ask to submit expert evidence to assist in a judgment. You have to ask permission to do this, but […]

The Declaration and Statement of Truth in Expert Witness Reports

A court gavel

Expert witnesses are often needed to assist tribunals and courts with various building-related matters, including disputes over boundaries, valuations, the quality of works completed, Party Wall Awards and so on. As a leading firm of chartered surveyors working across the Hampshire area, our team at Harrison Clarke is regularly called upon to be a RICS […]

A guide to instructing an expert in a civil claim

An expert witness holding documents

https://youtu.be/UXmgZiBXHTs Harrison Clarke is a leading firm of highly qualified chartered surveyors in the Hampshire area. We use our extensive experience to support our clients with the full range of building surveyor services. In this article, we look at the guidance relating to the instruction of experts in civil claims, published by the Civil Justice […]

Appointing a building surveyor as an expert witness

A courtroom gavel

An expert witness plays a crucial role when there are disputes between building owners or occupiers and building contractors or other property services contractors. Experienced building surveyors like the team at Harrison Clarke, a leading chartered surveyor firm in the Hampshire area, are often brought in to help to mitigate and resolve disputes. Over many […]

The role of a chartered surveyor as an Expert Witness

A man in a shirt signs a document.

Disputes can often arise in the property world. It might be over the quality of construction works, payments due under building contracts, conflicts about dilapidations or claims of professional negligence.  When someone involved in a dispute decides to go down the legal route to resolve it, the court or the tribunal may decide to include […]